Don’t ignore close to home.



Travel and photography go hand in hand – that’s a no brainer. And there is nothing more appealing, at least for me, to travel to far off places full of unique landscapes and cultures. And as fantastic as that is, don’t ignore the many great pictures you can capture close to home. Newspaper photographers know this all to well. Each day they are tasked to get out into the community they service and find pictures that capture daily life. This image was shot in Port Stanley, Ontario, Canada. It is about a 20 minute drive from my house, and is one of my favourite pictures from 2017. I just returned home from a two week trip out to Canada’s east coast. It was September and summer was showing no signs of leaving. This day was a hot one and I knew there would – as there always is – a lot of people at the beach for sunset. What I hadn’t planned for was this couple in the lifeguard platform. Like me, they were there enjoying the sunset and take a few pictures of their own. For me, the made for the perfect element in making this picture. You can see more pictures from this shoot on my Stock Archive  You can also see some of my other work there as well.







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